An Entrepreneur in the Making

An entrepreneur in the making

I would like to depart from my regular marketing message to talk about one girl’s entrepreneurial ability.
As a school business project, the 11th grade students at Hebrew Academy were asked to sell a product to the students and faculty members of their school. The class was divided into small groups and the group that made the most money in their business venture would be victorious.
With the warm weather around the corner, Miriam and her team came up with the brilliant idea of reaching out to Ben and Jerry’s at 1200 McGill College in the hopes that they might be able to create a partnership. While most students spent their own money on buying the necessary goods to sell Miriam wouldn’t need to spend a dime if the partnership worked. It did work.
After speaking with the ice cream giant about their proposal, Ben and Jerry’s agreed to provide funding and samples of their ice cream to Hebrew Academy students and staff in exchange for the chance to promote their product to the kosher community in Montreal.
School flyers were posted and an ad was written in the school’s newsletter promising free ice cream samples to whoever came to the event. Over 200 students and faculty members ended up savoring Chocolate Cookie Dough and Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavors of ice cream that day. The event turned out to be quite the success.
In an effort to further engrain the Ben and Jerry’s brand into the minds of the student body, Miriam plans to advertise Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in this year’s Hebrew Academy yearbook and spread the word by telling her story through blogs, like ours.
We are proud that Ben and Jerry at 1200 McGill College involved themselves in this project.
They agreed to provide the students of Hebrew Academy with a 10% discount upon presentation of their student ID. In addition, students who signed up for Ben and Jerry’s newsletter on the day of the event received a discount coupon.
As for the team that made the most money through their school business project, Miriam and her team came out miles ahead of her schoolmates. Not only did they raise more money than the competition but they were successful in promoting awareness of a company that stands for quality, greatness, growth and this proved that the Ben and Jerry’s at 1200 McGill College is truly a part of the community.
This is what marketing strategy is all about - thinking outside the box. Great Job Miriam!
I think I’m going to ask her to accept an internship at my office over the summer. I could learn a thing or two from her.

Morty Silber, CEO

Mad Strategies Inc.
a Wizard of Ads Partner

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