Take a leap, make a splash and learn to breathe under water.


Take a leap, make a splash
and learn to breathe under water.

True leaders are benevolent. They are kind, generous, and selfless individuals. They want to do the right thing for the right reasons. Leadership also requires loyalty, knowledge, integrity, and above all, courage.
Many business owners think of themselves as leaders but, sadly, many are not. Holding a management position, being an expert in your field or a business owner does not constitute reasons for calling yourself a leader. Leadership is more than the position you hold or the degree of knowledge or expertise you possess. It’s a combination of traits that, when combined, create an individual that remains consistent when faced with a variety of situations. It takes courage.
Loyalty. True leaders are loyal to their superiors, to the company and their subordinates. They are able to find a balance between the two.
Knowledge is essential in order to make efficient decisions and command respect from others. Learning becomes a never-ending process. They want to get a greater understanding of a situation and want to see it from all angles.
Integrity. A leader will behave in the same manner even when no one is looking. They are not afraid to own up to their mistakes and learn from them.
Courage. This is essential to effective leadership. Without courage, no amount of loyalty, knowledge or integrity will make you a true leader. Courage is vital. Courageous individuals can stand their ground when faced with adversity. They possess strength of character, are dedicated to the cause and are not afraid to communicate their opposing point of view.
Based on this, has your definition of leadership changed?
“Leadership is not a matter of genius. It’s a matter of courage. I believe those business owners who manage by consensus do so because they want to share the responsibility of failure. Consensus lets them escape the haunting possibility they may someday have to look in the mirror and say, “I, alone, was wrong.”
-Roy H. Williams, The Wizard of Ads.
It takes a certain kind of person to exemplify true leadership. Holding the title of “leader” requires that you consistently pass each test with flying colors. On the other hand, if you happen to fail, admitted it and hold yourself accountable for it, you might still exemplify the qualities of a true leader.
Would you have the courage to jump out of the fishbowl, cause a few waves and still carry on? Do you possess the qualities of a true leader?

Morty Silber, CEO

Mad Strategies Inc.
a Wizard of Ads Partner

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